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The Ostomy Guy's Podcast

Aug 25, 2020

Stephanie Bension(31) - Crohn's '04, Ileostomy '13 from a complete colectomy. Stephanie chooses every day to see goodness in her situation and everyone in her life. Learning the mechanics of her ostomy was just the beginning of her journey. We all feed off the love and energy of those around us. We need others to thrive!

Aug 18, 2020

Ryan Voorhis(39) - Crohn's('91) - Ileostomy('02), Chef and co-owner of Nude Dude Food, isn't letting his ostomy determine his life, he does. There's so much more to life, than sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself. We're sick whether we stay home or go, so why not go.

Aug 11, 2020