Dec 29, 2019
The OG talks with ostomy and chronic illness advocates, speakers and comedians Joe and Danielle @doublebagginit. Come have a laugh and get to know two amazing people who are on the battlefield together and spreading awareness while they do it.
Check Joe and Danielle at:
Insta - @doublebagginit
Facebook - @DoubleBagginit
Check the OG's book at -
#ostomy #theOG #crohns #crohnsandcolitis #ostomybomb #ostomylife #ostomyawareness #ostomybag #badassbaglife #crohnsdisease #theostomyguy #breakingthestigma #crohnswarrior #doublebagginit #chronicillness #crohnsandcolitisfoundation #baghalffull #beatingtheodds #theresgoodinthisworld